It’s Surf City vs. Sacramento


A REFUSAL to accept applications for two kinds of housing approved by the state will be discussed at Tuesday’s meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council (Shutterstock).

The issue of the City of Huntington Beach’s legal battles against several state housing laws will come before the city council when it meets on Tuesday.

At its Feb. 21 meeting the council majority voted to direct City Attorney Michael Gates to take legal action against state laws requiring cities to permit the construction of accessory dwelling units in areas zoned for single family homes, and lot splits in which the owner of a house can divide his or her lot into two homes, or two duplexes, under a law known as Senate Bill 9.

On the very next day, the city’s community development department announced it would no longer accept new applications for ADUs or SB 9 projects “until any legal challenges are resolved.”

Councilmember Dan Kalmick, who voted against the decision at the Feb. 21 meeting, wants the council to revisit the issue, as refusing to consider the applications puts the city in conflict with state law.

Also on agenda for Tuesday night will be the second reading and final approval of a controversial proposed ordinance banning nearly all but government flags from being displayed on city property, a move believed by opponents to be an effort to remove the rainbow “gay pride” flag.

That banner was flown at City Hall during June (“Gay Pride Month”) for the previous two years.

The meeting will be held in the council chambers in the Civic Center, 2000 Main St. (at Yorktown Avenue) with the study/closed session at 4 p.m. and the regular business meeting at 6 p.m.

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