Garden Grove

Rewards for catching fireworks violators?

THE IDEA of offering financial rewards for turning in users of illegal fireworks was raised at Tuesday’s meeting of the Garden Grove City Council (Shutterstock).

By Jim Tortolano

The possibility of offering financial rewards to people turning in users of illegal fireworks was raised at Tuesday’s meeting of the Garden Grove City Council.

At a report at the beginning of the meeting, council members were told that 75 administrative citations were issued by police on July 4 to people discharging pyrotechnics other than the sanctioned “safe and sane” variety.
“Seventy five citations,” said Councilmember George Brietigam of District 1 (West Grove). ‘That ain’t getting it.”

He revealed that he had to buy a new screen door for his home because of fireworks activity which some compared to “a war zone.”

Brietigam suggested that one way to crack down on the problem was to offer rewards of $250 to $500 to residents reporting others using illegal fireworks. Video footage could be employed if the perpetrators could be identified.

City Attorney Omar Sandoval told the council the city did have the power to offer rewards.

Police chief Tom DaRe told the council that there was less illegal fireworks activity in the days leading up to Independence Day, but more on July 4.  Police received 284 fireworks calls.

Additionally, there were seven dumpster fires related to fireworks, and two persons injured and hospitalized with burns, one on his hand and another to the face.

Also on Tuesday, the council voted 6-1 to appoint Councilmember John O’Neill as Garden Grove’s representative to the Orange County Fire Authority.

Councilmember Phat Bui challenged Mayor Steve Jones’ nomination of O’Neill, wanting the post for himself, but was outvoted.


1 reply »

  1. Hate fireworks. Both illegal, and legal. Hate how they freak out wildlife, pets. Hate that those of us with too many trees – hey, park poor policy – have to hose down, to be safe from stray rockets. Top of the roof sprinklers from the 50s. Best home accessory ever. Everyone should have them. Glad we kept ours.

    As much as I hate our city allowing any fireworks, snitching for profit is not cool. Sorry. Too Brown Shirt Hitler Youth. Stop the fireworks, period.

    This year, our East area had much less folks coming in to light like years past, and very little legal ones period. We were much less trashed than many years before too, hurray. Many neighbors simple left town to see legit fireworks displays in other places. Good. We shared a list of where to go and people went. Win. Win.

    If you end it, they will go. Problem solved. Stop the madness.

    This was the list used for OC.

    We had an LA list and Redondo Beach at King Harbor had rave reviews from one family in our neighborhood. Anaheim Hills was another fave.

    End it. They will go. Elsewhere.
    Non profits, schools can find another venture to fundraise, I’m sure.

    Mini vacay outside of the hometown. Yes. Everybody happy.

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