Huntington Beach

Street name change amended


A proposal to recognize a resident by renaming a street after him was amended to a different honor at Tuesday’s meeting of the Huntington Beach City Council.

 Three council members – Mayor Gracey Van Der Mark, Mayor Pro Tim Pat Burns and Councilmember Tony Strickland – had submitted an item to rename Commerce Street after Ed Laird, a long-time local community leader and business owner. The location is in an industrial park northeast of Research Drive and Graham Street.

But when concerns were raised over Laird’s political contributions to members of the council majority, the item was amended to instead add a “commemorative” addition – Honorary Laird Lane – to Commerce Lane.

The item, as amended, was approved on a 4-3 vote.

Also approved was a bid and approval of a construction contract with DBX, Inc. in the amount of $1,146,920 for traffic signal modfications at the intersection of Warner Avenue and Ash Lane and Main Street and Delaware Street.

The next meeting of the council is set for Tuesday, June 4.

1 reply »

  1. It looks like the four council majority finally realized how bad the optics of renaming a street after a campaign donor looked. And not just any campaign donor either. Ed Laird is a far right extremist who had close ties to two former city council members. Mayor Van Der Mark and her council cronies are shameless and continually giving the city of Huntington Beach a black eye in the press over their outrageous, self serving policies.

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