The Wider World

U.S. out of Pacific free trade deal

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, sworn in on Friday, began taking action Monday with executive orders on free trade and abortion.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP, sworn in on Friday, began taking action Monday with executive orders on free trade and abortion (White House photo).


In one of his first official acts as president, Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order withdrawing the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade arrangement championed by former President Barack Obama.

news-watchHe also signed orders reinstating a ban on funding for international groups which perform or recommend abortions and one placing a temporary hiring freeze on new positions in the federal government.

Trump promised to back the U.S. out of the TPP – a free trade agreement linking 12 Pacific Rim nations – while running for the White House, and opposition to the deal was also voiced by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) during his unsuccessful campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Supporters of TPP argued it would help American exporters; opponents argued that it cost American jobs.

The ban on funding for groups which provide or advocate abortion is typically instated or reversed depending on whether a Democrat or Republican occupies the White House. It was originated by President Ronald Reagan in 1984.

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